Speed Sailing at Harrington NSW 25 Jan 2014
Another great day of 15 – 20 knots Southerly at Harrington NSW. 25 Jan 2014
Pity there was only me (Glenn), Adam Easter and Glynn Merritt so the footage is mostly of me. 🙁
This time I had a mount for my GoPro camera on the front of the board looking back. I have since made a clamp for the clew of my boom and another for top of the mast, a view looking down. Can’t wait for shots from that one!
I am now looking into getting another GoPro (or two) so I can get multiple simultaneous camera angles.
What next after that? A quadracopter for aerial shots? Hmmm…
Fun is watersports and GoPro cameras!
And thanx to the new www.YouTube.com/audiolibrary for all the free music.
(C) 2014 – GlennBolton.com