The President’s Cancer Panel

Last month, something remarkable occurred.

A US government panel stood up and pointed out the link between environmental toxins and cancer.

Wow… what were they thinking? (smirk & tongue firmly in cheek)

I have been saying this for years. How come it took so long for them to learn that the “earth is not flat?”

In a comprehensive, 240-page report, the President’s Cancer Panel declared that Americans are being “bombarded” with cancer-causing chemicals, and that “the true burden of environmentally induced cancers has been grossly underestimated.”

When a mainstream government entity breaks ranks with the traditional medical establishment to report that environment chemicals are threatening our health, it is a truly astonishing event – and a warning we should all heed.

While this report comes from a US government panel, environmental toxins are a global issue. And, according to the World Health Organization, deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue rising, to an estimated 12 million in 2030.

Download and read the whole report (PDF)

Executive Summary

Despite overall decreases in incidence and mortality, cancer continues to shatter and steal the lives of Americans. Approximately 41 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, and about 21 percent will die from cancer. The incidence of some cancers, including some most common among children, is increasing for unexplained reasons.

Public and governmental awareness of environmental influences on cancer risk and other health issues has increased substantially in recent years as scientific and health care communities, policymakers, and individuals strive to understand and ameliorate the causes and toll of human disease. A growing body of research documents myriad established and suspected environmental factors linked to genetic, immune, and endocrine dysfunction that can lead to cancer and other diseases.

Between September 2008 and January 2009, the President’s Cancer Panel (the Panel) convened four meetings to assess the state of environmental cancer research, policy, and programs addressing known and potential effects of environmental exposures on cancer. The Panel received testimony from 45 invited experts from academia, government, industry, the environmental and cancer advocacy communities, and the public.

This report summarizes the Panel’s findings and conclusions based on the testimony received and additional information gathering. The Panel’s recommendations delineate concrete actions that governments; industry; the research, health care, and advocacy communities; and individuals can take to reduce cancer risk related to environmental contaminants, excess radiation, and other harmful exposures.

Download and read the whole report (PDF)